Warspite DevLog 2 - Basic Gameplay Features

First functional build of what will eventually become Warspite, The player ship has 4 turrets all of which individually rotate to face the mouse, currently not working as intended but there are deadzones for the rotation so that the turrets dont clip through the hull details, doesn't really serve a purpose besides making more sense as far as how a ship works.

I've added a basic enemy to test with, using various scripts from tutorials I have given it health that is reduced every time a player's shell hits it, enemies currently dont move or have any AI or animations. The player also is destroyed if it collides with an enemy although this might be changed to only damage the player rather than destroy if that doesnt play well.

As you can see from the two gifs, the clamping on the turret rotation doesn't work perfectly at the moment, if it reaches the cutoff angle it wont rotate but as soon as the mouse is in a position which it can rotate to, it will immediately snap to that position rather than waiting until the mouse rotates past the cutoff again. I'm currently working on how to fix this

Basic player movement is implimented, so far its almost identical to the player movement from the invaderoids pracs but I will keep working on it to make it fit my game more.  

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